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Fennec (Firefox mobile) v1.0.alpha 3 Pre

Publicado por Patricia Càceres domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

Fennec (Firefox mobile) v1.0.a3 Pre
windows mobile | CAB | 6.76 MB

The Leaked version of the much anticipated Firefox Mobile Browser that will be called Fennec, and is now scheduled to land as a Beta next week!

* Faster panning
* Faster zooming
* Improved responsiveness while pages are loading
* New content manipulation hooks for extension authors
* Look and feel improvements to improve usability

Easy navigation to Web content:

* Bookmarks, including tags
* Smart URL bar ("awesome bar")
* Tabbed browsing with thumbnail images
* Integrated Web search - built into the URL bar
* Easy access to multiple search engines

Web content:

* Maximize content by auto-hiding controls and URL bar
* Zoom in and out


* Instant Web site ID ("Larry")
* Password manager
* Popup blocker
* Clear private data

Devices services integration:

* Click on a phone number to initiate a call
* javascript API to get device location


* Searchable download manager
* Preferences pane


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